The Wellness Coaching Program

Our coaching service offers personalized wellness action plans for adults. This includes health evaluations, goal setting and tracking, follow-up calls, wellness education courses and seminars. Our goal is to help our clients achieve personal success and happiness in a way that is unique to their personalities, experiences and aspirations.

(All our services are available online in respect of regulations around the Covid-19 situation)

Is This Program For Me?

Our Wellness Coaching Program Is For You If You Can Answer 'Yes' To Any Of the Following...

  • Do you desire to have a healthier lifestyle — such as getting more exercise, managing your weight, eating a more nutritious diet, or sleeping better — but you're not sure how to start or maybe you keep failing when you try?

  • Are you struggling to overcome feelings of depression, anxiety, procrastination, an addiction or even an undesirable emotion such as anger?

  • Do you need help with identifying and implementing a personal improvement plan, or help with making the right choices towards a healthier and more fulfilling life?

Start With A Free Wellness Assessment

Quickly assess your physical, emotional, social, occupational, environmental, & spiritual wellness.

How Our Program Works

  • Get A Comprehensive Wellness Assessment

    Sign-up and take our Comprehensive Wellness Assessment. The results of your assessment will provide valuable feedback on the state of your mental, physical and social well-being.

  • One-on-One Consultation

    You will be scheduled for a One-on-One consultation with one of our wellness coaches to discuss your comprehensive assessment and to set goals for what you would like to achieve. All our consultations are available online or over the phone.

  • Begin Your Improvement/Recovery Program

    Work with your coach to achieve your health goals in 12 weeks or less. This will entail the use of a Goal Tracking App, Health Assessments, Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT), Practical Exercises & Activities amongst others.

How Much Does The Program Cost?

The Wellness Coaching Program Costs Ksh 7,500/month. This includes weekly coaching consultations, assessments, plus access to our goal tracking app and educational resources.

Pay securely with M-pesa or Debit/Credit card.

Meet The Team

Director & Health Coach

Alvin Mogaka

Alvin is a certified Lifestyle Coach specializing in Depression, Anxiety & Addiction Recovery. He is also a researcher, writer and speaker in the fields of Emotional Intelligence & Cognitive Behavioral Therapy. Alvin was an alcohol and drug addict for over 15 years. He and his wife Kinya started the Living Fountains Educational Centre (Life Centre) in 2016 and have dedicated themselves to helping others gain hope and healing. Alvin's experience in recovering from substance and behavioral addictions has helped many people.

Director & Health Coach

Kinya Mogaka

Kinya is a trained Lifestyle Health Educator with a background in Behavioral Science. She also holds a Master's degree in Public Administration.  She has previously served in various capacities at the United States Congress , at The Kenya Association of Women Business Owners (KAWBO), and at a Correctional facility in the US.  Kinya is a wife, mother and teacher to her two children. She has a special interest in Early Childhood Development.  She and her husband Alvin started the Living Fountains Educational Centre (Life Centre) to help people live healthier, happier lives.

Coach & Program Director

Saya Jackson

Saya is a learning and development expert, speaker, author, scientist and coach committed to the art and science of human transformation at both individual and organisational levels. He has a background in Life sciences (Biology) and has blended it with further graduate level studies in Global entrepreneurship. He has vast leadership experience from his work in scientific research organizations, universities, start up and religious and community groups. He loves to focus this insights gained from these interactions on developing the next generation leaders. Saya is the author of “When the grass is greener on the other side”, and continues to be a sought after speaker in the area of practical effective living. Saya designs and facilitates human transformation experiences that help people discover the tools, tricks and tactics needed to get further, faster.

We'll Help You Stay On Track

Get Results That Last A Lifetime

Our Goal Tracking App will help to remind you of the important things you need to do and the person you want to become. You will also be able to measure how you are doing over time and tell whether you are making progress or not.

Install and try the Goal Tracking App Free for 14 days. Ksh 1,500/month thereafter.