Depression is the leading cause of disability worldwide affecting both men and women of all age groups.  If untreated, depression can lead to other serious illnesses and even death by suicide.  

The good news is that recent discoveries in the diagnosis and treatment of depression have significantly increased the opportunity for recovery.  These new lines of treatment include Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) and Lifestyle Medicine. If you are thinking of seeking treatment for yourself or for a loved one, you are not alone we are here to help!

Are You Sure If It's Depression?

We understand the sensitivity of mental health issues.  It's therefore our promise to treat you with dignity and to respect your privacy.

What Is Causing Your Depression?

Just like any other disease, depression never comes without a cause. Research shows that there are many possible causes (risk factors) of depression all interacting to produce it, and these factors are different for every individual.

Our Comprehensive Depression Assessment will tell you how many and which risk factors you have, and will also give you a detailed report on what can be done to reverse or eliminate these risk factors. You will be assessed in the following areas:

1. Your Genetics
2. Your Past Experiences
3. Your Nutrition
4. Your Social Relationships & Any Traumatic Life Events
5. Your Physical Activity
6. Your Sleep / Wake Cycles (Circadian Rhythm)
7. Any Addictions You Might Have
8. Possible Toxins Affecting You
9. Medical Conditions
10. Your Frontal Lobe (Brain) Health

If you have risk factors in four or more of these areas, then you are highly likely to be depressed. But remember, recovery is possible if you know what to 'fix'.

Reference:  Nedley, N., & Ramirez, F. E. (2016). Nedley Depression Hit Hypothesis: Identifying Depression and Its Causes. American Journal of Lifestyle Medicine, 10(6), 422–428.

How Much Does The Assessment Cost?

Your Health is invaluable. It will cost you only Ksh 1,500 for a Comprehensive Assessment + 1 Hour Counseling Session

Meet The Team

Our Health Coaches & Counselors

Director & Health Coach

Alvin Mogaka

Alvin is a certified Lifestyle Coach specializing in Depression, Anxiety & Addiction Recovery. He is also a researcher, writer and speaker in the fields of Emotional Intelligence & Cognitive Behavioral Therapy. Alvin was an alcohol and drug addict for over 15 years. He and his wife Kinya started the Living Fountains Educational Centre (Life Centre) in 2016 and have dedicated themselves to helping others gain hope and healing. Alvin's experience in recovering from substance and behavioral addictions has helped many people.

Director & Health Coach

Kinya Mogaka

Kinya is a trained Lifestyle Health Educator with a background in Behavioral Science. She also holds a Master's degree in Public Administration.  She has previously served in various capacities at the United States Congress , at The Kenya Association of Women Business Owners (KAWBO), and at a Correctional facility in the US.  Kinya is a wife, mother and teacher to her two children. She has a special interest in Early Childhood Development.  She and her husband Alvin started the Living Fountains Educational Centre (Life Centre) to help people live healthier, happier lives.

How Our Program Works

All our services are available online & strictly confidential

  • Comprehensive Depression Assessment

    Sign-up and take our online Comprehensive Depression Assessment. The results of your assessment will provide reliable feedback on the state of your mental, physical and social well-being.

  • One-on-One Consultation

    You will be scheduled for a One-on-One consultation with one of our health therapists to discuss your assessment and to plan out a recovery program if necessary. All our consultations are available online or over the phone.

  • Begin Your Recovery Program

    Depending on your needs, we will help you work through your recovery program until you are free from depression, anxiety or addiction. This will entail the use of Goal Setting, Diagnostic Tests, Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT), Practical Exercises & Activities amongst others.

Your Health is invaluable. It will cost you only Ksh 1,500 for a Comprehensive Assessment + 1 Hour Counseling Session

Why Should I Take The Assessment?

Here are just some of the benefits of taking the Comprehensive Depression Assessment

  • It's possible to be happy, healthy and productive despite any negative or difficult circumstances that you may be experiencing

  • Save money on unnecessary medication, visits to the doctor, and/or unproductive days because of prolonged suffering from depression

  • Quickly identify your underlying risk factors for depression so that you can know exactly what to do for treatment or prevention

  • Get a detailed report that you can use to design a treatment program on your own, with one of our counselors, or with your current counselor

  • Recover faster and with higher chances of success using reliable and well researched methods that are being applied by leading medical practitioners

Your Health is invaluable. It will cost you only Ksh 1,500 for a Comprehensive Assessment + 1 Hour Counseling Session

We understand the sensitivity of mental health issues.  It's therefore our promise to treat you with dignity and to respect your privacy.